BSF Constable RO/RM Exam Prep

by Veer Sarswat



BSF Constable Exam Preparation in Hindi is highly demanding job post in India. Boarder Security Force (BSF) are invited to online application form for the Post of BSF Constable Recruitment, BSF Constable Exam Preparation, Boarder Security Force, BSF Constable RO/RM Exam.BSF Constable Exam Preparation App in Hindi SyllabusAccording to the central government paper consist of the following syllabus for BSF Constable/Tradesman Recruitment (CISF) ,BSF Constable Exam Preparation, Boarder Security Force, BSF Constable RO/RM Exam.1. General Intelligence and Reasoning2. Numerical Ability for BSF Constable Exam3. General Awareness and Professional Knowledge for BSF Exam4. Comprehension and Communication Skill5. General ScienceFeatures Of BSF Constable Exam App1. BSF Constable Exam Preparation app is available in hindi.2. Quiz section helps you to provide precise knowledge for BSF Examination.3. Up to date Preparation for BSF Exam through current affairs and related noted.4. You will get notification for updates and newly added content regarding BSF Constable/Tradesman Exam, BSF Constable Exam Preparation, Boarder Security Force, BSF Constable RO/RM Exam.